Have you ever wondered what makes kiwis different from the rest of the world?
Number one - gumboots, also known as willies, perfect for a rainy day on the farm. A vast majority of New Zealand own a pair of gumboots.
Number two - kiwi Christmas. A kiwi Christmas involves a day out on the beach with the family doing lots of swimming and feasting on L and P (a classic kiwi drink) a barbeque and Pavlovas.
Number three - flip flops. When you go to the beach in New Zealand on a hot sunny day the ideal footwear is flip flops. Flip flop flip flop. In the south island we call them jandals.
Number 4 - the paua house. A long time ago in NZ a happy couple collected lots of paua shells (another NZ favorite) and hung them all over their house When the house was completely covered in paua shells they opened it up to tourists and locals. The paua house soon became famous. In the Christchurch museum there is a replica of it.
By Mia
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