Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Today we created avatars!  I wonder if you can guess who is who?  We are going to print them out and put them on our class door for people to guess who is who!

Make Your 2012 Avatar!
WALT: to create an avatar for our blog and to use when leaving comments, participating online with web tools such as Voice Thread. It is your online identity instead of using photographs of yourself.
Why should you have your own avatar?
Avatars are a representation of yourself.
1. Your avatar helps people to remember you. The combination of your name + original avatar is a unique and safe way to recognise people online!
2. Your avatar helps you to keep a certain amount of privacy about your identity online.

Tomorrow we are writing about our avatars!
Write a post describing your avatar.
How much does it look like you? What sort of personality does your avatar have? What makes it typically you?
Remember to include your avatar as an image in your post.


  1. These are really cool and we like the first and second one
    by Kimberley and Emily from Glen Hills

  2. Hello we are pupils from Glen Hills Primary School we really like all of your Avatars that you have designed.but we really like the 10th one.

    1. well done i really liked the 3rd all of you well done by hannah from glen hills

  3. hi i really liked your avatars but the one i like the best was the 3rd one who evers the 3rd one please let me know and by the way everyone give your self a round of aplors well done. By Hannah

  4. hi guys you all did a great job

    Bridget Lawlor

  5. Hi there, it is great to get soooo many comments! There are 20 comments on the photo peach! If you click on the blue writing in the post - make your 2012 avatar, it will take you to all the sites so you can make your own avatar!
