Sunday, November 4, 2012

I have a blogging prize!

Earlier this evening I posted some questions about blogging for you all to think over for the movie we are making tomorrow! Can you imagine my surprise when I received this email already. I wonder who it is who was first to reply and I wonder what the prize will be???

What do you like about blogging? 
I like that you can blog about anything you've learnt and stuff you're  yet to
discover. It is a fantastic way to share our learning with people all around
the world.
How does blogging help you?
Blogging is a very simple task, it helps me and my classmates share our
learning online and learn what others have discovered. You can give people
feedback or comments and that's what I like.
How do feel when you get a comment?
When I get a comment I get excited because I know there'll be a question or
some feedback on my post. I can then reply to the comment.
What would you like our families to know about our blogs? 
Our blogs are a fantastic way to combined online discoveries with teaching
others. I think our families should be able to share the journey with us and
they might learn something new as well.


  1. i like when i get a comment because then i can reply. brya.

  2. Hi Michaela

    You are very clever doing all this work
    I wonder what your treat will be?
    I really like the way you wrote your story it is amazing.

