Friday, November 16, 2012

My fish

My six pound trout
In the weekend I went fishing at the Taieri River. I caught a sea trout. I was fishing at around nine o’clock in the evening. I had done about twenty casts at one spot. I was casting in the most random way when at the most unexpected moment I hooked up. I wound up the fish with all the energy I had. Dad told me to come around the bay and up the small bank. I took it slowly to tire out the fish. At this time I thought it was a tiddler because the fish had more energy than me. But the fish shall not beat Fisherman Sam with all the strength we have to land the fish up onto the bank. The size was unknown until we were able to see it. It was hard to see the fish because the water was murky. When we got on land Dad got the pliers and squished its head. It wasn’t dying so I got the spanner and whacked it on the head. I kept on working my way down the river each cast hoping for another fish to catch. I had another bite but he didn’t like it. We went back home and gutted it.  We had it for tea the next night it was yum.


  1. Whoa that's one huge fish !!! Well done Fisherman Sam.

  2. Great catch Sam!
    Thats the problem, they always bite at the worst time. My line was stuck in a tree when I realized that I had a bite. Were you fly fishing or fishing with lures?

  3. Wow Sam... I'm impressed!! That is one fine fish! Our family loves catching and eating fish too! Did you end up weighing it? Keep up the good work fisherman Sam!

    - Julie Farr
